Part I: Why (SO MUCH) Water?

Yes, I am a huge proponent of the “gallon challenge”! For those of you who are not familiar with this phrase, it is based on a goal to drink 1 gallon of water each day. While the exact amount of water that our bodies require varies based on the individual, the “gallon challenge” seems to be the most effective strategy in motivating people to increase their water intake. If you have a competitive bone in your body, you will be no exception!

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But, why is it so important to be mindful of how much water you are consuming? For starters, most adults are found to have approximately 55-60% of their bodies made up of water. To sustain this percentage, we must consume an adequate amount of water daily. Water doesn’t simply sustain us though. It has a whole slew of other health benefits. Below are the top 5 benefits of which I like to inform my clients as I encourage them to become camels. Adequate water consumption:

  1. Increases energy.
  2. Promotes weight loss!!! (Flushes toxins via sweet & urination- setting up the body for successful weight loss; increases feelings of satiety; helps increase metabolism.)
  3. Improves skin health (logically enough- drinking more water, which is of course wet, helps prevent dry skin).
  4. Maintains bowel regularity (water is a great digestive aid).
  5. Prevents dehydration and its undesirable side effects (such as headaches, cramps, etc.).

Struggling to find ways to increase your water intake? Stay tuned for next week’s #MindfulMonday post to learn some of my favorite tips!