Power of Probiotics
If you haven’t heard of probiotics in today’s wellness rage, you mayyy be living under a rock. Probiotics are live bacteria (and yeasts) that feed your healthy gut bacteria, thus improving the function of your digestive system. A balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria is essential for our bodies to function properly. When we are ill and must take antibiotics to kill some of the “bad” bacteria in our systems, these antibiotics also wipe out some of our “good” bacteria. Therefore, it is particularly important that we consume adequate amounts of probiotics while being prescribed such drugs.
One basic function of probiotics is their ability to interact with nerves controlling our gut motility. In simpler terms, they help move food through our GI systems. As an individual with IBS, I take a daily probiotic supplement for this very reason. However, not everyone needs to take a probiotic supplement as a rich supply can be consumed through various probiotic-rich foods:
· Sauerkraut, Kefir, Kimchi, Tempeh, Cottage Cheese, Kombucha, Miso, Parmesan Cheese and SOME TYPES of yogurt (I love Activia and Siggi's!).
*If you're in need of healthy recipes incorporating Parmesan Cheese, you can find a few in my MBM Meal Manual! (Insert link to purchase here).*
Also in regards to GI health, probiotics are purported to improve tolerance to lactose and reduce unpleasant GI side effects associated with infections and antibiotic therapy. Beyond the GI system, probiotics are being studied for their efficacy in supporting optimal function of the female reproductive system, enhancing immune function, and reducing crying time in colicky babies. Who knew that bacteria could be such lifesavers?!